Saturday, May 17, 2008


snowball, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

Spent a few hours Friday and this morning basically mowing weeds and moss. I was soaked and had to change shirts a few times because it was so hot and dragging a mower across moss was not easy.

Being that it was in the 80s, everything decided to bloom. The tree peony this year has 3 blossoms! It's my favorite plant. No fuss, easy to care, and smells amazing!

1 comment:

Ken said...


it really looks like a xmas tree ornament. doesn't it?

i totally agree with you...... tree peonies are easy no fuss plants.
the flowers are spectacular, but i really like the leaves.
here in montreal, i have to wrap them up for the winter and cover them with a rose cone. and still, sometimes there is some die-back.

would love to see pics of the tree peony blossoms! do you know the hybrid name?

am enjoying your blog.