Thursday, July 23, 2009


datura, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

loving my iPhone and how it's so functional. Takes great pics, takes great videos, and the GPS is awesome.

peanut butter and jelly cupcake

peanut butter and jelly cupcake, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

mmmmm peanut butter jelly cupcake from Trophy Cupcake.

At this rate, I'm gonna get fat again.

But boy, it was tasty yum yum!

Monday, July 20, 2009

lavender festival

, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

We drove hours to Sequim, got stuck in traffic and strolled along huge lavender fields while 100s of bees surrounded us. Not to mention the lavender ice cream, lavender lemonade, lavender sausage, and lavender thyme glazed chicken.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

it's my 1st bday!

it's my 1st bday!, originally uploaded by awungfoo.


Portrait, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

well, we kinda got scolded for using their backdrop to take our own photos...

A 2pm spontaneous appt to have the 3 kids photo taken at the mall ended up taking almost 2 hrs and well...there's no pics of the 3 kids.

Well, there is one but they're all standing up and looking every which way.

I'ts my bday

I'ts my bday, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

I'm not 5, just 1..but I can't count yet.

Met up w/ everyone at Rainforest Cafe. A great place for kids but the food was pretty horrible. Well, my fish and chips were quit inedible. Fried too long which basically turned it into fish jerky.

Oh well, I washed it down w/ a taro bubble shake and pretzel.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Maggie Pie

, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

Such a princess photo! :)

Andre / Ethan

, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

8 month old Ethan (Andre).

So cute and BIG!..He's got the biggest head I've seen on a baby!

Happy Bday!

, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

Tanner's 5th Birthday

Friday, July 03, 2009

happy birthday tanner

happy birthday tanner, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

Happy 5th Bday Tanner!