Friday, July 04, 2008


Kung Fu Pand - 3 of 5 stars. Fun and cute.

Hancock - 3 of 5 stars. Honestly, kinda lame.

Indiana Jones - 3 of 5 stars. Nostalgic fun.

Incredible Hulk - 3 of 5 stars. So much better than Ang Lee's crap.

Get Smart - 3.5 of 5 stars. Funny.

Wall-E - 4 of 5 stars. Great movie!

Wanted - 4.5 of 5 stars. Awesome Action!!!

Iron Man 4 of 5 stars. Better than expected.

Sex and the City - 4 of 5. Only if you watch the TV show.

Zohan - 2.5 of 5. Kinda lame.

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