Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mustard Chicken

Mustard Chicken, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

Since we don't cook, there's not much in the house to get creative. What we buy is basically what I have to work with for the week unless I stop by the market. But who are we kidding.

So before I ran off for the gym, I defrosted a chicken and salmon for dinner. When I came home, I was still wondering what the hell to make.

I could broil it again or wing it. I threw the salmon in the oven and put the chicken in a pan on medium heat with olive oil. What now?

I looked in the fridge and there's a lot of blueberry jam. I found some mustard and so I threw that onto the chicken and a dash of balsamic vinegar. It tasted it and was pleasantly surprised that it worked. No salt, no pepper, no garlic.

I let it cook for 1/2 hr I think and then threw in some shredded brusselsprouts (Umm...costco...a few more days of this left, there's only 2 of us!). I found some dried red onion and threw it in w/ the shredded veggie.

That's about it.

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