Friday, October 12, 2007


Smashing, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

I remember the Halloweens we had on Rooke Ave. Those were the good ol' days of receiving grocery bags full of goodies. Now-a-days, kids have to go to the mall. Where's the thrill and suspense of going up to a darken house and ringing the door bell.

We participate in the local trick or treat and I swear it's a pain in the ass. First I have to buy bags of candy and 2nd, we have kids and their mom or dad or whoever come in and go Trick or Treat! I'm trying to run a business and make some god damn $. They can be a distraction as we're trying to work with real paying customers.

Too bad that it has fallen upon businesses to provide a safe pratice that should really be a community/ neighborhood effort. Instead of getting to know your neighbors, people just go to the mall.


strawberryroses said...

Rooke has the best trick or treating and probably still does.

Danny said...

If it's not too cold out, we actually get quite a lot of kids in costume come our way. As I kid, I always liked it when people gave out the paper bags full of candy instead of just one piece of candy. So every year, I buy paper bags and stuff 'em with goodies.