Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Happy Friday
So we leave for Vegas tomorrow and I'm tired. We've been there 3 times this year already.
Last night, we had dinner at Blue Ginger w/ the Kay and the kids from Spokane. Kevin got a bit fat from all the junk a college freshman eats his first year away from home. Mandy is finishing her senior year in DC. And NO PICS of anything. I left everything at home :( I had Neil's RAZR but the crappy phone doesnt DL photos unless you have a software installed.
On top of that, his phone stinks. The keypad has a nasty metallic odor and smells like B.O.! We've cleaned it and it won't go away. I think it's time for a replacement! Stinky phone!
We had wanted to see Avenue Q but it wasn't playing anymore in Vegas and I never got the chance in NYC. And Hiram says it's playing in SF but ends on Sept 2nd. We don't leave Vegas till the 31st and it's too long for us to be away from the stores. Not to mention that we're screwed on staffing right now. Another missed opportunity. I'm hoping that it will be heading on up here to Seattle. I'll have to check.
Teaposy Calendula
Neil says, "It's calendula!" And why would he say that? Because I said, "It's tea and I won't sleep because of the caffeine." It's 4:30am and I'm wide awake! It's got caffeine!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Marazul's bento box
At the base of Denny Regrade is the new complex of Paul Allen's vision for his new Seattle, 2200. We were asked to occupy the space next to Starbucks. Maybe we should have opened a store like Details in NYC or a men's store.
There's like really cute pet store call SCRAPS.
We wanted to test the food at Marazul. Latin/Asian infusion.
As you can see the Bento box is interesting.
Chimichurri skirt steak was good. What I thought was hash was a combo mix of potato, jam, and beets.
Ahi Ceviche was ok, not great. The orange bowl although interesting was obviously not fresh but rather dried out and hard. Intentional?
Fried plantain was overcooked.
Don't use bib lettuce in heart of palm salad. It wilts and gets mushy very quickly.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
There's no sunshine...
This has been a very ugly summer in Seattle. Sure we've had a few days of nice weather but overall, this is the crap we see daily. Rain, rain, rain. 60s. Everywhere else it's humid with temperatures skyrocketing into the 90s.
You're suppose to want to run outside in the heat and jump in the lake. Not, think about putting another damn layer of sweatshirt on!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Staffing Part IV
Today, our # 1 picked who came to us by way of Nordstrom after only working 5 hours quit. She said having come from Nordstrom, this was not what she had expected. Even though I explained to her the complexities of running a small boutique. She said if she was offered the position, it would give her an insight into actually running a business. I guess she will never run her own business. I don't even bother talking to them about it. I just say OK and hang up.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Dinner @ Claim Jumper
Neil's brother, Danny, is in town again and we had dinner at Claim Jumper. L to R clockwise:
Sweet yam w/chicken. Asian salad. BBQ ribs. Chocolate calzone. Decor. Plain cream cheese pie. French onion soup.
Went to visit TNT after dinner and realized they were a few restaurants down from us while we were eating.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Staffing Part III
She was then given the 2nd task of finding an outfit for a customer who had 15 minutes to shop and was double parked. She spent 10 minutes slowly perusing the store and came back with a pair of jeans and brown top. No shoes, no jewelry, and she didn't even know if the sizing was correct or bother to ask the size. Grade: F.
On top of that, she was asked to do the simple selling guideline of GIST. Greet. Inquire. Suggest. Thank. She wouldn't talk to people. She didn't say a word to her co-workers. She was so quiet that I had to ask her to speak up 3 times and she still didn't. I left a few hours to finish up some work at the office and when I came back, I asked her how she was and she said ok. Then I watched her for a bit and she basically stood in a corner while people walked through the store. I called her over and asked her what the simple selling guideline rule was. She said she didn't remember. So I said GIST. Then I asked her what GIST stood for and she said, "Greet. Ummmm...I forgot." Grade: F.
So basically, at this point, I was going to release her and she did me one better. He started hyperventilating and getting all nervous. I knew it was coming and she said, "I thought I was going to be good at this, but it's not for me." I said, "OK, let me get your stuff out of the backroom and you can leave." Got her stuff and said bye! Grade: F.
So how could I have possibly hired her? She had over 5+ yrs of customer service experience. She was relatively interested and look the part. Just goes to show you that outer appearance doesn't make up for what's lacking INSIDE!
Had another interview today but she called and said her relative is sick and in the hospital and would not be able to accept the position. First off, she left a message and 2nd, she wasn't offered the job, it was an INTERVIEW!
I have 2 so far that will be starting next week and I have another interview set up.
This movie was too long and drawn out. Like SNL, there were sketches that worked and quite a few that didn't and should have been edited and left on the cutting room floor. I kept trying to place where the skinny kid and now I realize he's from Arrested Developement.
The acting was ok. I felt that they threw in crass vulgarity in every other word for the sake of it . Was it funny? Somewhat. Was I rolling on the floor? NO. The last time that happened was the scene from There's something about Mary and Wedding Crashers.
I can't believe parents would take their kids to see this. When I got up, I saw a group of tweens w/ their parents in the row behind us. WTF? Are you for real? They should really think 2x before thinking they're really "cool" parents to take their kids to see this. Sure there wasn't any nudity but the profanity became a bit irritating.
The "gay" subtext throughout the whole movie with the gay slurs, dick comments, and "friendship" shit was odd? I mean it could have been played out to it's fullest and be SOUTH PARK hilarious. But no...just a chuckle. huh huh huh...
The ending was cute. So definitely a matinee worthy movie. And a B-.
So today I had 4 interviews. 1 never showed up and I was surprised that it was actually the one who supposedly LOVED LOVED our stores. It's always the ones who are overly excited to work for us that never works out b/c they are more interested in the clothes and their discounts than actually working.
The first applicant was loved by everyone. She was hired. The second one was a bit reserved but I think she might do ok. I'm gonna hire her because we need staffing anyway. The 3rd one said she applied a few times and I asked why no one ever called her for an interview. She said it was b/c she didn't have any retail experience. She does now and when i offered her the job, she was beaming with enthusiasm. I have 1 more to interview tomorrow for a weekend position.
Training next week will be hell and I hope everyone shines.
Back to food:
Breakfast: Coffee & Blueberry granola bar from Starbucks.
Lunch: Clam Chowder w/ side salad from QA Cafe.
Snack: Popcorn
Dinner: Hot wings and Teriyaki Chicken Burger from Red Robin.
OK. Having now posted this, I can't believe how bad today's diet was!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
A Day w/ LTR
Our old employee, Lauran, is in town for a wedding and we spent part of the day hanging out. We ate at Matt's @ Pike Place Market. For anyone who's never been here, you must go! It's soooo good!
There's a new dessert place on Pike also call CHOCOLATE BOX and they have really delicious gelato. If the rest of their dessert is as good as their gelato, I'll come back and try them all..especially their mini cupcakes. German chocolate and coconut! Need I say more?
Then off to Dahlia Lounge for coconut cream pie! We don't head into the city much so why not make a day of it?
Then we went to OLYMPIC SCULPTURE PARK. It's really nice and I guess it's 90% LANDSCAPE park and 10% Sculpture. The only piece I like was the rusted iron waves. A girl sat next to it so her mom could take her picture and a lady w/ her kid was commenting that the sign says to not touch the art, you're ruining it!
DAMN SEATTLE! It's public art and it's outdoor. Hmmm....with all the damn rain we get, you think someone touching it will ruin it? Whatever! We went and touched everything! touch touch touch!
Then off we went to Gossip for taro bubble shake w/ extra tapioca and a visit to Volunteer Park to ooooh at th Dahlias.
And of course, she had to come do some damage at the stores. She's carrying her new Botkier shoulder bag! The Tano has been retired.
I'm lucky to get 2 weeks notice if that. Lately, the staff have been giving me a day or 3 or 5. We recently hired a girl who I felt was refreshing, fun, and energetic. She's only been on the floor 4 days and I received a call today that because her dad recently passed away and now her grandma is sick, she is emotionally incapable of working. There's nothing I can do. I asked her if working would allow her to not focus on the sadness but put a bit of distraction in her days so that she can cope better. No, she says.
I had set up many interviews and most of them don't even show up. Why bother pounding the pavement, going into a store, leaving your resume, filling in an applications, and sound all excited and enthusiatic over the phone interview, and NOT SHOW UP!? Cowards and passive aggressive!? If you don't feel like you're the right candidate, then don't agree to an interview!
We'll be down to 1 person at the end of the month which is 2 weeks away. We'll be in Vegas during the last week of the month so I'm stressed beyond the breaking point. It's 4am and I can't sleep. This morning, I placed an ad on craigslist and hopefully I'll have some interest. The last time I did it, I only received a few and none of them were remotely worth an interview. I also was very specific and detailed in the position responsibility. This time, I just noted that we were hiring for Sales Associates.
Well, I just checked the listings and I have 4 resumes. I'm setting them all up for interviews and including the one I have set up on Friday, it makes 5. Cross your fingers and hope that all of them work b/c I need to hire them all and 3 will probably drop or decline the position.
Is Seattle really that good for candidates to choose which job they want? I'm hearing that the unemployement rate has risen and here I'm offering top pay w/ commission and they're turning us down!?
Wish us good luck and send good vibrations to us! We need it!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
365: Day 3
Breakfast: McDonalds Coffee.
Lunch: Grill Salmon Caesar Salad @ Queen Anne Cafe.
Dinner: KFC.
Ok this day sucked. Didn't have time for breakfast. Lunch was good. But I have no excuse for KFC. It's not sitting well in my tummy :(
Good thing I've been doing a lot of cardio.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
365: Day 2
Teri says I shouldn't eat out and it's not healthy. So here. Cereal.
And we grilled chicken breast for dinner w/ stir fry veggies w/ no butter. Just some olive oil.
Afternoon Coffee
I like making fresh coffee in the afternoon right when I'm about to crash. I usually don't drink more than a sip or 2 but it's enough to get me through the rest of the day.
Monday, August 13, 2007
365:Day 1
So here's Day 1 (again).
Breakfast: Coffee (no time to eat).
Lunch: Dim Sum @ Jade Garden.
Dinner: Leftover curry soup. Added sprouts, snap peas, some water to dilute the conconcentration, and green onions.
jade garden dim sum
We had to wait 20 minutes. There was a bitch who cut right in front of me and screamed 4. Obviously, she was "IN" with the hostess because they took her request. I glared at her about to say something but I then I realized we're in Chinatown. So while the hostess was on the phone, I just screamed 3 and my name. She didn't even look up and wrote it down after the bitch before me.
Max likes to chew on cables. He chewed my BlackJack recharger and I went to Cingular to get another one. They sent me to RadioShack. RadioShack wanted to charge me $50. I went online and got it for $4.99.
I was watching ABC News and they said that the Chinese were producing fake wires that could overheat and catch fire. These rechargers were shipped directly from HK. What are the chances of it catching fire and burning the house and office down? I'll just make sure that I pull the plug once it's recharged and I have my eye on it.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Curry chicken w/ egg noodle
Lan cooked dinner for us tonight. I added chili even though I'm suppose to cut out spicy. But come on, how can this not be spicy?
I really like the basil leaves with this soup.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
I can't believe this! I'm thinning and I'm going bald. Damn these genes! My dermatologist says the little zit like things on my scalp is not uncommon and can be caused by any number of factors. He took a culture and will call me in a week. Might be spicy food or any number of culprits. I'll try to eliminate spicy from my diet and dairy.
1 YEAR Blogging for Foo!
Let's see what we should eat to celebrate?
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Lunch @ I Love Teriyaki
I had the Kabli w/ rice but I told the girl I didn't want rice but noodles instead. She looked at me as if she no one has ever asked this of her. She asked me again and again to confirm that I didn't want rice but I wanted noodles. She had to ask the kitchen what she should do.
Neil ordered Spicy chicken yakisoba. It was ok.Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Brie, Salami, and Crackers
Isn't this what the French eat for a meal? So I made it my dinner.
Too tired to reheat the leftovers.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Overall, it was a good read. Was it exceptional? For a kid's read, yes.
Sunday BBQ
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Blue Angels
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Dim Sum w/ The Village
Had dim sum @ The Tea Garden in Chinatown. This was the best treat. Jin Dui with sesame seed filling.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Bourne Ultimatum
August 2nd 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I've never attended a Cirque du Soleil show and now I know why people can't get enough of it. Fantasticallyspectacularmesmerizing!