We've spent the last 2 days watching the entire season II. It's now past midnight and we have to be up in 6 hours.
Neil says, "It's calendula!" And why would he say that? Because I said, "It's tea and I won't sleep because of the caffeine." It's 4:30am and I'm wide awake! It's got caffeine!
At the base of Denny Regrade is the new complex of Paul Allen's vision for his new Seattle, 2200. We were asked to occupy the space next to Starbucks. Maybe we should have opened a store like Details in NYC or a men's store.
There's like really cute pet store call SCRAPS.
We wanted to test the food at Marazul. Latin/Asian infusion.
As you can see the Bento box is interesting.
Chimichurri skirt steak was good. What I thought was hash was a combo mix of potato, jam, and beets.
Ahi Ceviche was ok, not great. The orange bowl although interesting was obviously not fresh but rather dried out and hard. Intentional?
Fried plantain was overcooked.
Don't use bib lettuce in heart of palm salad. It wilts and gets mushy very quickly.
This has been a very ugly summer in Seattle. Sure we've had a few days of nice weather but overall, this is the crap we see daily. Rain, rain, rain. 60s. Everywhere else it's humid with temperatures skyrocketing into the 90s.
You're suppose to want to run outside in the heat and jump in the lake. Not, think about putting another damn layer of sweatshirt on!
Neil's brother, Danny, is in town again and we had dinner at Claim Jumper. L to R clockwise:
Sweet yam w/chicken. Asian salad. BBQ ribs. Chocolate calzone. Decor. Plain cream cheese pie. French onion soup.
Went to visit TNT after dinner and realized they were a few restaurants down from us while we were eating.
So today I had 4 interviews. 1 never showed up and I was surprised that it was actually the one who supposedly LOVED LOVED our stores. It's always the ones who are overly excited to work for us that never works out b/c they are more interested in the clothes and their discounts than actually working.
The first applicant was loved by everyone. She was hired. The second one was a bit reserved but I think she might do ok. I'm gonna hire her because we need staffing anyway. The 3rd one said she applied a few times and I asked why no one ever called her for an interview. She said it was b/c she didn't have any retail experience. She does now and when i offered her the job, she was beaming with enthusiasm. I have 1 more to interview tomorrow for a weekend position.
Training next week will be hell and I hope everyone shines.
Back to food:
Breakfast: Coffee & Blueberry granola bar from Starbucks.
Lunch: Clam Chowder w/ side salad from QA Cafe.
Snack: Popcorn
Dinner: Hot wings and Teriyaki Chicken Burger from Red Robin.
OK. Having now posted this, I can't believe how bad today's diet was!
Our old employee, Lauran, is in town for a wedding and we spent part of the day hanging out. We ate at Matt's @ Pike Place Market. For anyone who's never been here, you must go! It's soooo good!
There's a new dessert place on Pike also call CHOCOLATE BOX and they have really delicious gelato. If the rest of their dessert is as good as their gelato, I'll come back and try them all..especially their mini cupcakes. German chocolate and coconut! Need I say more?
Then off to Dahlia Lounge for coconut cream pie! We don't head into the city much so why not make a day of it?
Then we went to OLYMPIC SCULPTURE PARK. It's really nice and I guess it's 90% LANDSCAPE park and 10% Sculpture. The only piece I like was the rusted iron waves. A girl sat next to it so her mom could take her picture and a lady w/ her kid was commenting that the sign says to not touch the art, you're ruining it!
DAMN SEATTLE! It's public art and it's outdoor. Hmmm....with all the damn rain we get, you think someone touching it will ruin it? Whatever! We went and touched everything! touch touch touch!
Then off we went to Gossip for taro bubble shake w/ extra tapioca and a visit to Volunteer Park to ooooh at th Dahlias.
And of course, she had to come do some damage at the stores. She's carrying her new Botkier shoulder bag! The Tano has been retired.
Breakfast: McDonalds Coffee.
Lunch: Grill Salmon Caesar Salad @ Queen Anne Cafe.
Dinner: KFC.
Ok this day sucked. Didn't have time for breakfast. Lunch was good. But I have no excuse for KFC. It's not sitting well in my tummy :(
Good thing I've been doing a lot of cardio.
Teri says I shouldn't eat out and it's not healthy. So here. Cereal.
And we grilled chicken breast for dinner w/ stir fry veggies w/ no butter. Just some olive oil.
I like making fresh coffee in the afternoon right when I'm about to crash. I usually don't drink more than a sip or 2 but it's enough to get me through the rest of the day.
We had to wait 20 minutes. There was a bitch who cut right in front of me and screamed 4. Obviously, she was "IN" with the hostess because they took her request. I glared at her about to say something but I then I realized we're in Chinatown. So while the hostess was on the phone, I just screamed 3 and my name. She didn't even look up and wrote it down after the bitch before me.
Max likes to chew on cables. He chewed my BlackJack recharger and I went to Cingular to get another one. They sent me to RadioShack. RadioShack wanted to charge me $50. I went online and got it for $4.99.
I was watching ABC News and they said that the Chinese were producing fake wires that could overheat and catch fire. These rechargers were shipped directly from HK. What are the chances of it catching fire and burning the house and office down? I'll just make sure that I pull the plug once it's recharged and I have my eye on it.
Lan cooked dinner for us tonight. I added chili even though I'm suppose to cut out spicy. But come on, how can this not be spicy?
I really like the basil leaves with this soup.
663 Bistro. Had dinner w/ the Village here. The wait staff sucks. You want service? Hail them.
Dinner at Cafe Ori last night. I miss this dish. However, it wasn't as good as I remember as a kid.
I had the Kabli w/ rice but I told the girl I didn't want rice but noodles instead. She looked at me as if she no one has ever asked this of her. She asked me again and again to confirm that I didn't want rice but I wanted noodles. She had to ask the kitchen what she should do.
Isn't this what the French eat for a meal? So I made it my dinner.
Too tired to reheat the leftovers.
Had dim sum @ The Tea Garden in Chinatown. This was the best treat. Jin Dui with sesame seed filling.