Thursday, November 27, 2008

whip it good

whip it good, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

Made some mash potato with bacon, sage, and garlic.


It seems Starbucks have teamed up with RED (Bono's campaign) and Space Needle to light up the night in RED. Ceremony is noted for this coming Monday. Inside scoop has it that Bono will be in Seattle this Friday at Westlake Mall. But if the event is noted for Monday, what's he doing on Friday? I guess we'll just have to wait and see....


You must see this movie. Sean Penn did a phenomenal job. The supporting cast was flawless and I suspect this movie will sweep the academy awards in every category. Shocking that it's only been 30 years and here we are again dealing with exactly the same fundamental rights issues spearheaded by religious zealots.

This is not really a gay movie, it's a political movie that is so infectious and moving that you will leave the theater feeling charged to go out and do something amazing.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


stir, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

this turned out pretty good. Made some whole grain brown rice to go with it. Was even better the next day for lunch after the sweet potato softened up and absorbed the flavor.


soup, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

I was trying to make bitter melon w/ black bean sauce. It didn't turn out but I used the left over minced meat and made soup. Delicious.

Having read the entire series, I went in thinking they would do a horrible job w/ the movie. I also read a lot of critic reviews that the movie sucked, but I was pleasantly surprised to say that it wasn't so bad. Neil has not read the book and he love it. Very chick flick but watchable and I'm actually excited to see the next one.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

On Demand

This show is F)$King Funny. I was cracking up A LOT. If you have On Demand, you can watch it for FREE. Well it is on CBS afterall.

Awesome show. Won Emmy for Best Drama and Best Actor. Season I was available at Costco so we watched all 13 episodes this weekend.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

ummm? Batman

ummm? Batman, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

You can't get this kid to stand still for a second. None of the pics came out. So this is it. It was fun walking around the neighborhood w/ the kids. I remember getting at least 2 or 3 shopping bags full of treats. We were barely out for 1/2 an hour before Tyler complained his pumpkin was too heavy and Tanner complained of a tummy ache.


Costume, originally uploaded by awungfoo.

Monday, November 03, 2008

A bit slow in places but overall, a well crafted film. Cinematography was amazing.

Loved it!