Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
bleeding hearts
Spring is here and I've decided to work on the yard. I cleaned up the front island and added a nice elder bush and an acanthus. Both will be nice and full this time next year.
The lawn is shot and I'm either going to rip it out and start all over. Doing it myself will take forever or just pick up some labor workers and have them do it in a weekend.
I'm getting too old for this manual labor.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Every now and then I upload some of my pictures to Seattle P.I. online paper and I noticed that my recent dandelion photo was their FEATURED PHOTO today!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

But overall, it was a fun light heartedly comedy. I actually like Jonas Hill's character the best. Paul Rudd character was pointless. Mila Kunis was great in this and Kristen Bell, well I don't think she's that good of an actress. The lead Jason Segel I think has great potential of being a big star.
Friday, April 18, 2008
friday night movie

I wanted to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall but we missed the showtime, so instead we opted for The Forbidden Kingdom. Even though the reviews for it were mixed, I enjoyed every second of it even the retarded acting was kinda Karate Kid-ish, but go to see Jet Li and Jackie Chan duel!
I'd see it again just for the kick of it.
Hopefully, we'll catch the Sarah Marshall matinee sometime this weekend.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
heart shaped box
Joe Hill's novel Heart Shaped Box is scaring the shit out of me. It's been a long time since I've read anything that gives me goosebumps. Even Stephen King can't write like this. I recently read The Ruins and there was a forward from Stephen King noting how this book was the new genre of horror etc. Well, after reading 1/2 way, I started skimming it and found it lacking in suspense or imagination. So what did I do? I went to see the movie and boy was it fucking retarded.
I'm only on chapter 7 and I have to say that this book even after only 6 chapters was better than the entire The Ruins.
Check it out.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
yard needs help. Today was beautiful. 72 degrees. Of course, no one is really shopping but rather out and about. We saw Stop-Loss and I have to say that it was emotionally charged and all the actors, from Ryan Philippe, Tatum Channing, and Joseph Gordon Levitt were stellar.
Stop Loss is so bullshit, especially when Bush declared the War is over!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Oasis Cafe
Neil saw this across Boom Noodles the other day and mentioned that we should go. I was hesitant after looking at their home made paper signs. Usually, I don't mind, but I felt the space was odd and that the menu couldn't decide if it was chinese or japanese. We sat down and we both ordered a bento box for $13.95. Free miso soup that was a tad oversalted even by Neil's standard. She offered free tea but we didn't have any. The owner came by and chatted me up about my digital camera and went on about taking pics of food and if he blows it up could he cover his walls with it. It was kinda funny cuz how did he know or is he just assuming that because I have a camera, I know about printing and wall posters?
Anyway, the food came out and it looked good but upon further inspection, the tempura prawns were obviously previously cooked and just reheated. The chicken looked the same way, way too over grilled and rubbery. The sushi rice was just tad dried out. So even though the portions were generous, neither of us really ate much of it.
When we left, the owner came running out and I thought maybe he wanted our comment about his food. But instead, he went on to ask me about what color plates to shoot the food on and what background he should use whether cloth or paper and what color. I was thinking to myself, I'm not a pro, why are you asking me?! I was really nice and told him to use white or black plates and he would let it go...kept asking so I kept repeating use white plates, use white plates. All the while, I knew Neil was thinking if their menu and food quality doesn't change, they wouldn't be around much longer.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Garlic Pea Vines
Had a late lunch/early dinner at 663 Bistro in Chinatown. Gotta love their BBQ spareribs and i think they have the best roast duck. We got pea vines, and siu kau mein. The noodle soup sucks. The siu kau was way too big and just not as flavorful as Won Ton City.
Friday, April 04, 2008
boom edamame puree
Boom Noodles is a new restaurant from the guys who opened up Blue C Sushi. Located on Pike St in Capitol Hill, this place is cool. The decor, the layout, the staff, the chopstick holder. Everything emits city chic. The food however is overpriced for what you get and the flavor is okay. I think it's a fun place to go for a social event, get lots of drinks, order a bunch of food, and chat. It's not a place you go because of the food, it's a place you go to meet up.