Saturday, March 31, 2007
Blades of Glory

Friday, March 30, 2007
Happy 38th to Neil
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Duck Couple
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Saturday, March 24, 2007
Sanjaya & American Idol

So back to American Idol. We also had satellite radio, SERIUS. Umm...Howard Stern for 5 days! It seems there's a strong community of Sanjaya supporters who are keeping him in not because they think he's talented or should win, but because it's funny to jolt the voting system of AI! Hence, Howard has people on his crew and callers voting 100s of times for Sanjaya! So in a way, I can't believe it hasn't been done before.
It would be totally hilarious if Sanjaya won AI. After all, it is the American voters who pick the winner!

And it's nice to see Christine again. Too bad Ari wasn't available to join us. Christine says we've visited her more than her parents!!! We had a nice Italian dinner in Little Italy, Dolce Vita.
When we were in North Hampton, we went to Joe's. It's an authetic "Bucca de Beppo". It's been around for 50 years and it's basically a shack with cracks and cervices that let in the winter cold air! Watch where you're seated! But man, the mushroom salad, pizza, and the DAMN best CANNOLI I've ever had and I don't like cannolis at all!
Check out the Flickr pics! The Hilton Boston Back Bay was really clean,nice, and convenient! We took a tourist trolley ride which was fun and very educational. We got to see where they filmed some of THE DEPARTED scenes. The FBI bldg was actually the Unemployment Center.
The Gardner museum was really the highlight of the visit. Isabella Gardner amassed an amazing assortment of art from Raphael to Vermeer, Asian pieces to Russian tapestry. It's all set up in room that mix and match and everything is in touching and reaching distance but you can't take pictures or touch. But man, it was just amazing to see it and just the night before, we watched the History Channel's episode of the stolen art from the museum. Coincidence? I think not!
Neil's Bday is March 27th (Tues). He's coming back from LA that night. Any suggestions where to take him? Surprise him?
I'm excited to see Hiram. Wish Lynne was coming up too!

Lots of action, good plot, great supporting cast, and lots of SHOOTING!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Winter...here we come again!
Anyway, we're off to Boston tomorrow morning and it seems the weather back East is miserable. Snow!
Can I use the excuse that I'm terribly sick and not fly? It really doesn't help that I can't even sleep at night. Every time I try to lay down, my sinus fill up and I'm plugged up. Try breathing through your mouth for a week. Your lips become very cracked and unsightly.
And not to mention I might as well be a METH head. With all the Sudafed I've been eating like candy, my heart will probably seize!
Ok...enough misery. Go rent "The Holiday" w/ Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz. cute.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Pineapple Express = movie time
I've read a lot of reviews for this movie before deciding to watch it. It's awesome in the sense that it's intended to be viewed on the big screen preferably on IMAX, and keep in mind, no historical value! To those movie critics out there who chooses to critique this movie base on it's historical value, GIVE ME A BREAK! The day you can actually make us believe that anyone of you know history, no less Spartan history, without having to research it, I'll give 2 cents to your review.

On Sunday, it was on to 300. This movie rocks because it's an action flick intended to entertain and it does it's job to the very end. There's some similarities to Troy, Gladiator, and Alexander. Alexander sucked ass, Troy was just OK, Gladiator had a great actor and a good story, and 300 was just plain entertaining! Go see it for it's artistic merit. It's like watching a comic book come alive!
And well...the Spartans were HOT!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Speaking of online...I put up 3 handbags from my store that had duplicates. I put them up for a tad under my wholesale cost and 1 just a tad over. Can I tell you how much I despise the majority of eBayers! The endless barage of questions and you know..you know...you know...that after politely answering all their mundane questions, they say, "Oh I don't know!" "Oh I'm just not sure!" And bam...out comes someone from nowhere with no questions and buys it! Woo Hoo! This one stupid idiot woman had 3 questions for me. Her second question was if my bag was real b/c she was going to give it as a gift. Then her last question was, " I don't need another bag, but if you knock it down $50 and pay for shipping, I'll consider it and it's your call. Oh and if you have new Spring goods, I'll consider buying it at the same offer!" Are you f****ing out of your mind?! I was going to blast her then I realize I was just going to ignore it. It's the same thing working in the store, I just walk away from the person when it gets to be that retarded. My god!!! Do they pull that same shit in department stores?!
I am excited to say that all 3 bags were sold in under 1 hour and 1 went to Japan! Of course, it was the "kookiest" one! If only I can get top $$$ at full retail for them!
We're off to Boston next weekend for St. Patrick's Day. Neil's family is having a reunion and I got wrangled in to go! I can't believe we're flying again so soon.